Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gain 100 yards of distance, now that's something to Flap about!

Flappers in the Roaring Twenties I sure am grateful for the "younger generation" for the length of hem and release of corset allowing women to free up and fly. Freedom to play sports like golf...

Almost 100 years later we are still Flappers all elbows

in fact they work just the opposite. Golfers do not know what causes the elbows to bend to the sky. No golfer wants to suffer from flying elbows for the pure sake of looking ungolf like, compounded with the dreaded shot that follows the roaring chicken winging swing. My heart goes out to those who quack so here is the key to pure ball flight, Extend the arms through impact don't let the elbows fold up until long after the ball is gone, Keep the club pointing through the shot at the target as though the club is chasing the ball down the fairway. The right palm moves down and through to target never up to the sky.

Drill, From address hold a golf ball not a club with the right index & thumb, throw the golf ball down into the impact zone, the elbow fires first then the wrist follows. The palm will go down then forward to target. This is the correct release sequence of the trailing & dominant arm to gain 100 yards of distance, now that's something to Flap about!

Cathy Schmidt, LPGA Class"A", GSEM

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Summit confusion who is correct? or is there a correct? We are right on.

Stack and Tilt or Mike bender?                                                                          11/17/2011

The two approaches to teaching golf mechanics spoke at the LPGA T&CP Summit last week in Orlando.

I am sure that there were a few pros who left the summit wondering which approach was better or correct.

The similarity of both styles were a flat left wrist at impact, Handle leads club head, Swing on plane, body in balance. Nothing new but how you get there were enlightening and opposite.

S&T were all tilt, stack the body then tilt the other way and tuck the hips to finish, arms move simultaneously with the S&T/ T&Tuck.

Mike Bender's approach was, swing the arms and the body will follow. The arms travel the furthest so they start the swing back and through.

S&T starts tilted left, Bender starts tilt right. Oh my for the new T&CP wondering why one session presented great and then another session equally presented great but they said the opposite was true for sound mechanics. For the teacher who has not had enough experience to see how both styles are correct for some and not for others.

Mike's style is good for the golfer that thinks the swings power is created by the body and leaves the arms behind.

S&T is a great style for the golfer who arm swing out races the body.

Both presentations were great. Now it is up the pro to decide what will work best for them and their students. Body or arms, Hmmm.

Wonder what the LPGA T&CP will choose to do with the two opposite styles of technique.

What happened to the old thinking of there is no method that will fit all golfers and to stay away from method teaching styles. Guess methods are good just know them all.

Why were the ball flight laws avoided?

The summit covered teaching verses coaching. Great swing on an old style and new focus on managing the students with the game of golf not just the swing mechanics. Focus on game improvement not just the swing.

The summit was a huge success and there will be better teachers out there me one of them, because we were there to learn from great pros who are leaders and believers of their pursuit of golf.

Now it is up to us to take this to the test and find out what is best, when to use who's style. Coach or teach. Or just simple sit back, observe comment and let the student tell us what works for them. 

Growing the game of golf is the main focus. Statition speaker presented stats that golf is thriving in out depressed economy. Clubs sold one year will then turn into lessons purchased the next year. Golfers know and believe lessons from a pro will help their game so we are from the statistics still in a great market.

Open for any feed back.

Cathy Schmidt LPGA Class "A", GSEM, AI The Impact Zone.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is the face pointing at the target?

The only part of the stroke that matters to you, the ball and the target is...Was the face square to your target though the impact interval?

1/4 " before impact, during impact and a 1/4 " after impact.

There are so many putting variables possible and all are correct only if the above happens. So be an artist design your unique style and know the face is square through the impact zone 3/4th of an inch.

That is it!
Place 2 groups of TEE"S behind the ball and in front of the ball, either side of the Target line. Replace the ball with a Quarter standing on edge. Stroke the putt and miss the TEE's. & roll the Quarter. 

Cathy Schmidt